Have you guys ever thought of what your theme song or soundtrack may be when you're doing your daily activities? An example to get you thinking could be a student; first you would wake up in the morning to get ready, breakfast, drive or catch the city transit to school, lunch, the ride back home, dinner, and finally getting ready for bed.
How did I come across this question you may ask? I was spending the day with my girlfriend and as we were walking on the streets of downtown Calgary, she thought of an idea that would bring a song that would fit into our current situation, sort of how movies have specific songs playing in a scene to build the suspense for the audience.
I thought the question was a little strange at first, but as we continued on our walk, I asked her what song she was thinking about that could fit into our walk. She told me it would be our first song the we heard when we first dated. Since that day, I have been thinking about some songs here and there that could be my theme for certain activities or a soundtrack for my whole day.
So my question to you is simple, What would your theme song or soundtrack consist on a daily basis? Here is a few examples that I have came across the past few days.
1) Waking up in the morning
2) Driving to school
3) Drive home
4) Getting ready for bed
Can't wait to see what songs you have selected as your theme songs/soundtrack!
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