Monday, October 1, 2012

Jack White Stirs Up Some Controversy

Jack White, a very famous musician, recently played two shows at the Radio City Music Hall in New York.  He played his first show on Saturday, September 29th, which was abruptly cut short when he stormed off stage after 55 minutes.  He played a 12-song set and then left the stage.  According to the Rolling Stone article, fans waited for several minutes after he left the stage expecting him to return.  Once the curtain was drawn the crowd began to revolt.  The Jack White concert was completely sold-out and some concert goers paid close to $100 for a ticket.  Apparently he was unhappy with the crowd and sound, but he has not released an official statement about his abrupt departure off stage.  The Rolling Stone article also mentioned that he had "angry exchanges" with a member of the crowd during the show.

The next night he played a second show.  White performed 21 songs in 85 minutes during the Sunday night show and even included an encore.  After reading another Rolling Stone article about the second show, I think he played a better show due to a more involved crowd on Sunday night.

Image by ConcertTour - Mark Runyon

Obviously the people who attended the first show were extremely mad about Jack Whites performance.  They even demanded refunds for their tickets.  I have attended lots of shows in my lifetime and have experienced my fair share of bad crowds.  I can see how it would be annoying for White to perform for a crowd who seems disinterested in him.  The crowd really can change the entire concert experience.  I have seen some of my favourite artists perform live but if the people around you aren't giving off a positive vibe then it can completely change your mood. I don't blame Jack White for getting mad during his performance but I also can't excuse the fact that he left the stage in frustration.  As an artist he has an obligation to his fans to perform to the best of his ability during a show.  The Saturday night show seems like a case of a few bad people ruining the show for everyone else.  Although White wasn't happy with the crowd he should have still stuck it for the few true fans.  It's a huge disappointment when you're looking forward to seeing your favourite artist and then they don't deliver with their live performance.

Like I said, I have been to a few shows with a bad crowd , but the artist has never walked off stage due to this.  Some believe that Jack White has let his popularity go to his head and that's why he thinks he can pull stunts like this. 

At least he came back the next night and played a much better show.  Although, the fact he did this made the earlier concert goers even more upset.

There are many opinions floating around right now about the subject, but what do you think?  Do you think that Jack White had the right to walk off stage or do you think he should have played the Saturday night show as well as the Sunday night show?  Do you think this was just an act of selfishness?  Or do you think that artists have an obligation to their fans?

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