Sunday, December 2, 2012

I've Got The Moves

So instead of doing an informational blog post or a did you know kind of post, I decided to show what I love most, dancing. I have selected a few of my favorite dances I have ever done and decided to share them with you guys!

1. The first dance I decided to share was my all time favourite group dance which was a jazz routine. This dance was not only amazingly choreographed and well execute by everyone in it, but it was so much fun to perform. In one competition, there was a dance off at the end, meaning dances with the highest scores over the course of the competition came out and danced one more time to try and win the top title and this dance did just that! We later took it to Kelowna to compete in the Grand Championships which was an amazing experience!

Videos by Caitlyn Tink

2. The next dance I choose to share was a contemporary piece that touched very close to my heart. This dance was performed in my last year of competing and the story behind it was talking about moments. Those moments that you will hold onto forever no matter where life takes you. This dance was touching to us all our last year as we were all about to part our different ways after being together for, with some of us, 10 years or more! It was very meaningful as it reminded us that even though this was out last year together we had made friends for life and the moments we had will always be remembered.
Videos by Caitlyn Tink

3. The next dance I am sharing is a lyrical piece that although it didn't do to well when it came to competing in competitions, it was still a lot of fun to dance. The story behind the dance was that half of us, the ones in the plaid shirts, were humans each going through hardships in our lives, and the other half, in white, were our guardian angels. We couldn't see our angels but we knew they were there helping us and keeping us going.
Videos by Caitlyn Tink

4. The fourth dance I am showing you guys is a tap routine that I did in my last year of competing. I can't say I was a very strong tapper, however this tap dance was my favourite! Whenever doing any dance it is fun to get the chance to work with props and the chairs in this dance definitely helped to make it as well executed and intricate as it was.
Videos by Caitlyn Tink

5. The last dance  am going to show you is my favourite hip hop dance I had the opportunity of being apart of. Each year our hip hop dances had a theme to them in the sense that we had characters to play. One year we were mannequins, another we were astronauts and aliens, and in this one we were pirates. This was all around just a fun dance to do and was always was entertaining for others to watch!
Videos by Caitlyn Tink

The other dance I wanted to share with you guys is a ballet number which I think was choreographed beautifully. Although many of you may look at ballet as your style or your form of enjoyment, this ballet piece is so intricate and different that I think you will enjoy it!

Videos by Caitlyn Tink

I hope you enjoy watching these dances as much as I did performing them!

1 comment:

  1. So cool! You are the professional dancer. Did you study how to dance at school? I really want to study hip-hop, but i can not do it, because i don't have enough muscles. From your blog, i think dancing with others is more fun than dancing along, also dancing should have a theme. By the way, your videos can not watch, i don't know that it is my problem or yours.
