Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Music, Yay or Nay?

There seems to be a lot controversy over Christmas music being played in stores.  Some people love it while others cringe when they enter a store playing Christmas music.  Earlier this month the store Shoppers Drugmart announced that they were going to stop playing Christmas music in their stores for awhile.  Granted, they started playing Christmas music on November 1st.  After an onslaught of customer complaints, Shoppers finally removed the Christmas music from their stores and stated that it will return in late November.  Shoppers Drugmart stated that their customers opinions are important to them, which is why they stopped playing Chistmas music in early November.

Image by Thomas Sorenes (ThomasOfNorway) from Flickr
Of course when they removed the Christmas music there were a few people that didn't agree with this.  Some customers argued that it was too early for Christmas music and they didn't want to have to listen to it for two entire months.  The other side argued that it's a tradition for stores to play Christmas music and they were not happy when Shoppers stopped playing it.  However, Shoppers wasn't going to suspend Christmas music from their stores forever, just until the end of November.

There seems to be a constant feud between those who adore Christmas music and those who don't.  I feel like I hear more people complain about Christmas music in stores more than I hear about people embracing it.  Very few people are indifferent about this argument.  You either love it or you hate it.

Personally, I enjoy hearing Christmas music everywhere I go during this time of the year, but I have to agree that November 1st is a bit too early to be playing Christmas music.  Retail stores have been pushing holidays earlier and earlier it seems.  It's not rare to see a Christmas display up before Halloween has even passed.

Another factor to consider is that Christmas doesn't mean the same thing to everyone, which is where I believe this issue stems from. Some people want to enjoy the holidays while others just want to pass through them.  Either way, everyone is entitled to their opinion about Christmas music, since it seems to be such a touchy subject for some.  There are also those people who work in retail stores that have to listen to it for hours on end.  I can understand how that may become tedious.   

What's your opinion on Christmas music in stores?  Do you think that some stores start playing it too early or do you embrace it?


  1. Hey Kara,
    It is actually funny that you are posting about the topic of when is to early to be playing Christmas music in retail stores as I myself work in one. Think is a topic we have been discussing over the past week as to when we as a store should change to our holiday play list. Some of us, as you mentioned, love it and some of us don't. I do think however that starting to play it in November is a little early. I personally love christmas and can't wait for it to be here but I don't think Christmas music or anything like that should really come out until December 1st. It just doesn't feel like Christmas until then to me.
    Caitlyn Tink =)

  2. Hey Kara,

    Lately I've seen a lot of my friends online on Facebook and Twitter complain about stores who are getting into the Christmas spirit a little too early. Personally speaking I was out shopping last weekend a the mall and found that I couldn't stand the music. My theory is that some stores feel that playing holiday music may help boost their sales. Retailers really do a great job playing off of the spirit of giving during the holidays and I find that some people have really confused what Christmas really is about. Some stores are going a little too overboard, and this article was a great example of a store taking it a little too far.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Zach Z

  3. Hi Kara,
    I think that most of us will agree that November 1 is too early for Christmas music. I think that the major issue though is that stores were promoting Christmas before Remembrance day, which is very disrespectful.
    Personally I agree with Caitlyn, I don't do anything for Christmas until December 1. However I understand that stores need to get in the Christmas spirit earlier so that everyone can buy their presents early. I think that it's reasonable for retail stores to start promoting Christmas in mid November. It could even be November 12 as long as they wait until after Remembrance Day.
    All of the poor sales people will just have to suffer through it. I have been there before, the worst thing, is when you're forced to listen to Christmas music after Dec 25th!

  4. Kara,
    I definitly agree, November 1 is way to early to be playing Christmas music. However I also think this topic brings up the debate about Christmas in general. I too work in a retail store and for years my managers have been insisting that we say 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' so we don't offend anyone, another similar situation that I have heard this year is people calling 'Christmas Trees', 'Holiday Trees'. And to that I say where is the line? I understand that people in our society have different religions but I still believe that the two-three weeks everyone enjoys off in December is due to Christmas. So why must we continue to put it down and call it the 'Holidays' when everyone knows it is Christmas? Just some extra food for thought.. Great post though =]

  5. It's bizarre that you should post this when you did, as my mother and I were having a 'discussion' concerning this topic recently. She loves the holiday season and so embraces anything that has to do with this time of year...from the moment summer ends, she counts down to December 25! I, on the other hand, would prefer that the holidays begin and be publicized around mid-November. Before that date, holiday music can be quite a nuisance to listen to in every building you enter. It's just Halloween and before any of the holiday sales commences. After mid-November, the sales start and the feeling of the holidays start creeping in... this is when the music should start. When the holiday music starts, along with the sales, then is when the season really comes alive. This should be when the music should begin. :)
